Urban Design Framework —Adelaide


Working with the City of Adelaide, we defined guidelines to build a more interesting, active and walkable city. We took the best of local typologies and opportunities to define an approach to the building interfaces on streets and public spaces. The Building Interface Guide helps council guide development and public space.

City of Adelaide
Adelaide Design Manual / PDF download

Better city form, buildings, streets and public spaces.


The focus of these guidelines was the interface between the public and private realm. Whilst this is a particular part of the physical fabric of the city, it represents in a broader sense one of the fundamental aspects of city life, the relationship between the community and private property rights come together.

The project set out to improve some of Adelaide’s less desirable qualities that are common to many cities:

—Lack of variety and urban intensity.
—Low levels of pedestrianisation outside core retail areas.
—Disconnected precincts.
—Wide empty streets.
—Blank walls and dull facades.
—Lack of weather protection from hot summers and wet winters.
—Over provision of car parking and private motor vehicle space.
—Poor building to street interfaces in new development.

The project sets out 10 principles:

1. Improve all street level spaces.
2. Ensure that buildings contribute to the life of the city and fine grain activities.
3. Design the public realm to encourage active participation by the public.
4. Encourage appropriate streetscape activation.
5. Establish a better connected, weather protected public domain.

6. Reinforce and continue particular Adelaide qualities at street level.
7. Encourage an active CBD core.
8. Design for change.
9. Allow flexibility and variety and encourage positive contributions to the public domain by the private sector.
10. Mix uses and forms.

Guideline for maintaining street wall.

Guideline for maintaining street wall.

A key part of the guidelines was to create a clear and easy to understand document that illustrated the problem and explained a solution with drawings and precedent images.

Guideline to better articulate building mass.

Guideline to better articulate building mass.